Sunday, June 24, 2007


I go through life meeting all sorts of people. Some seem confident. Some insecure. Some have all their shit together and some are still fumbling around in the dark, trying to find their way.

I am only normal. I am neither confident nor insecure. Sometimes I have it together and sometimes I mess up. Often times I know exactly what to say and just the same, I mess up my lines.

It is those times in life when we forget to try to be perfect and forget to try to be confident, when the real person shines through. Vulnerable and open and in its own way…perfect.

I can go through my life and try to pretend to know everything all the time. I can go through my life knowing exactly what to say and what to do.

Or I can fumble around, dance around and fall down, where the real Rachel comes out.

Something tells me that in that imperfection and in that vulnerability, life is perfect anyway.